Posted on May 9, 2024, 12:21 pm By admin

JVC CD-1770 Stereo component Cassette Deck w Sen-Alloy Head ARNS & SUPER ANRS NR. The deck is in good cosmetic condition with very minor to no wear and tear on the exterior. I have fully serviced this deck by replacing servicing any rubber drive belts, idler wheels, demagnetizing the heads, and capstan drive, with a full cleaning included. All of this is VERY important to have a good functioning deck especially the belts and idlers because they deteriorate over time and not from use. This deck really has some nice features like Both ANRS and Super ANRS for reduced hiss on most tapes and does not a pumping sound or loss of treble like with other NR systems. It also has full auto stop, output level control, SA head, Bias and EQ selections, and separate mic and line controls. If you like the big button mechanical feel of the mechanism functions buttons may be very pleasing to use and not hard or annoying to push. I would say this is a very satisfying mid end 2 head tape deck in sound and functions. Most parts made out of solid metal and a strong tape mechanism to last. For the quality of this deck (sound and function) I would give it a 9 out of 10. This has been tested for about one week after servicing on and off to assure it stays working. It will be thoroughly re-tested right before packing. There is a trend going on with sellers who sell vintage audio/video equipment. Most are not serviced or inspected properly or just simply copy and lie what other sellers do just to make the sale. They may also sell items well below value for this same reason or to support a bad habit. Avoid purchasing from sellers with lazy descriptions and who are probably inexperienced who are just listing item as they found them from the trash, thrift shop, flea market, yard sale, basement, attic, etc simply because they work as they found it with no servicing or proper inspection done. This includes long term testing, and other necessary servicing before and after sale inspection right before packing. An audio or video component may only work shortly when it arrives because they did not put in the important details in the description and it probably wasn’t serviced or inspected which is prone to failure such as a good percentage of them do after a short use. This could possibly damage and destroy your precious tapes at any point if a mechanical failure happens. The average life of rubber parts in tape decks (belts/idlers) is 15 years r less and then they weaken and turn to goo. This is a costly fix and would waste your time when you could have it now and not have to worry. Dust and shelf life may deteriorate and deform parts over a short period of time just sitting. Most do not do any of this nor do they know how. I have been constantly servicing home audio and video equipment for 32 years. DON’T FORGET THE BLANK TAPES OR ACCESSORIES! I have an assortment variety of quality blank cassette tapes and care accessories for sale in my other listings.

Categories: cd-1770 Tags: anrs, arns, cassette, cd-1770, component, deck, refurbished, stereo, super